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Alloy Wheel Refurbishment

Plymouth-Based Alloy Wheel and Brake Caliper
Respray and Refurbishment Service

Alloy Wheels

Brake Calipers

Smart Patch Repair

Other Odd Jobs

Auto-Alloyz is a small but expanding Plymouth-based business, and relies largely on reputation and customer recommendations. This means that you will get 100% service every time. Our services include the following.

Alloy wheel Alloy Wheel Refurbishment
Auto-Alloyz is primarily a alloy wheel refurbishment service. From kerbing to corrosion or flaking paint and peeling lacquer, Auto-Alloyz has the skills to get your alloys back to pristine condition.
Brake caliper Brake Caliper Painting
When combined with a full four-wheel refurb/respray we can offer the customer a huge discount.
Damage patch Smart Patch Repair
We can fix smaller areas on a single or multiple wheels to save our customers money.
Motorcycle engine Other Odd Jobs
We are happy to undertake other refurbishment work, such as painting of motorbike engine cases, frames and badges, when time is available.

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Alloy Wheel Refurbishment